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Level Set Level Player Score Play Time Recorded
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 213 karl 738 04:21 2024-02-14
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 213 agata 702 04:57 2022-01-28
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 212 karl 675 05:23 2024-02-14
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 211 karl 950 00:49 2024-02-14
Super Mine 211 frali 587 02:47 2022-02-10
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 211 agata 967 00:32 2022-01-28
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 210 karl 971 00:27 2024-02-13
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 209 karl 939 01:00 2024-02-13
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 208 karl 512 08:07 2024-02-13
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 207 karl 943 00:55 2024-02-13
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 207 agata 886 01:53 2022-01-28
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 206 karl 725 04:33 2024-02-13
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 204 karl 571 07:08 2024-02-13
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 204 agata 604 06:35 2022-01-28
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 201 agata 928 01:11 2022-01-28
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 200 karl 882 01:56 2024-02-13
Ben Braithwaite - Ben 200 199 teresa 4547 00:25 2024-04-02
Ben Braithwaite - Ben 200 199 teresa 11049 01:02 2024-03-27
Ben Braithwaite - Ben 200 199 misc 10053 01:20 2024-03-21
Sokomania in the Spaceship 2 199 karl 832 02:46 2024-02-11
Page 9 of 14,918 · Record 161 to 180 of 298,353